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Plan Info

Select Teeth to Plan 

Mark the teeth positions you will be working on.

Marking at least one tooth at the lower arch enables you to add lower model STL, draw a mandibular curve, and draw the inferior alveolar nerve. 

Marking at least one tooth at the upper arch enables you to add upper model STL and draw the maxillary curve.

Draw Panoramic Curves 

To enable panoramic curves to be drawn, you have to select at least one tooth from the same arch.

The curve will be automatically generated. You can edit the generated curve by removing, adding, and moving points, or you can simply draw the curve manually by pressing delete curve and adding points. 

  1. First, move the axial plane to the optimum point to generate the panoramic curve.

  2. The Constructed Panorama will change depending on your edits.

  3. To remove a point, right-click on it. Using the position cursor, you can also move the whole curve on an object.

  4. Repeat the same steps for the other arch.

Select Teeth to Plan 

Mark the teeth positions you will be working on.

Marking at least one tooth at the lower arch enables you to add lower model STL, draw a mandibular curve, and draw the inferior alveolar nerve. 

Marking at least one tooth at the upper arch enables you to add upper model STL and draw the maxillary curve.

Draw Panoramic Curves 

To enable panoramic curves to be drawn, you have to select at least one tooth from the same arch.

The curve will be automatically generated. You can edit the generated curve by removing, adding, and moving points, or you can simply draw the curve manually by pressing delete curve and adding points. 

  1. First, move the axial plane to the optimum point to generate the panoramic curve.

  2. The Constructed Panorama will change depending on your edits.

  3. To remove a point, right-click on it. Using the position cursor, you can also move the whole curve on an object.

  4. Repeat the same steps for the other arch.